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About Me

I am simple. t-shirt. jeans. flip flops.

I love a good pony tail!

Music is an integral part of my life and the way I worship.

I pray daily that my life encourages a heart of worship in those that I touch; Most importantly, my precious boys. I take my mother role very seriously, and consider it an honor that I was chosen to raise two young boys to love Jesus!

I love the buzz my house has when we have guests over! I love hearing family talking, and kids playing! However, if you ask my husband, it’s not a pretty sight BEFORE our guests arrive! I’m a work in progress!

My passion for photography began when my husband and I started our family three years ago, and recently when I lost my dad to cancer in October 2007. I still have a giant dad-shaped hole in my heart! I miss his tender spirit and spiritual guidance. I miss the way he would wink at me across a room, just to let me know how very much he loved me. I miss everything about him, everyday!

I get lots of sloppy, wet, and crumby kisses these days!

I am terrified of severe weather!

Chocolate is part of my diet; everyday.

I secretly love rainy days.

I love to hear a good belly laugh!

I love to decorate and make something look pretty!

I love checking things off my list and getting something done!

I should buy stock in sticky notes!

I love to scrapbook, but never make the time! Snif, snif!

I. love. sleep.


Karen Blanks said...

Well, I can say a big AMEN to all of these.

You have described yourself truthfully and honestly. You did forget one thing though......you have a good heart!

Signed, the MOM